how to use this template GreenDao generator to generate ContentProvider class:
And what it means this parameters:
public static final String BASE_PATH = "${contentProvider.basePath}";
private static final String PK = ${entity.classNameDao}.Properties.${entity.pkProperty.propertyName?cap_first}.columnName;
And how i can implement THIS:
<#if contentProvider.isReadOnly()>
public static final String BASE_PATH = "${contentProvider.basePath}";
- it is TABLE NAME
private static final String PK = ${entity.classNameDao}.Properties.${entity.pkProperty.propertyName?cap_first}.columnName;
- it is Primary Column Name, for example:
private static final String PK = MYTABLENAMEDao.Properties.Id.columnName;
I do it ContentProvider DAO and it work fine!