I have tried following code in my web page to display drop down menu. I have used drop kick js. i'm using jquery 1.9 version.
Drop down is working fine in IE, but its not working as expected in chrome.
My code is
if ($.browser.msie) {
$('body').click(function (event) {
if (!$(event.target).parents('.dk_container').length || $(event.target).parent().attr('id') != $dk.attr('id')) {
else {
$dk.bind('focus.dropkick', function (e) {
}).bind('blur.dropkick', function (e) {
$dk.removeClass('dk_open dk_focus');
In chrome, i can able to open drop down menu, if i click outside the menu drop down gets close. But i cant able to collapse the menu by clicking on dropdown.
My page has multiple drop downs.
I have tried the following, its working fine
$dk.bind('focus.dropkick', function (e) {
}).bind('blur.dropkick', function (e) {
$dk.removeClass('dk_open dk_focus');
$('body').click(function (event) {
if (!$(event.target).parents('.dk_container').length || $(event.target).parent().attr('id') != $dk.attr('id')) {