I need to show data from database that supposed to be shown:
in the html: Behälter
in the browser: Behälter
but instead, I got data like this:
in the html: Behälter
in the browser: Behälter
So I need to change the &
back to &
. I use replaceAll and replace method from the Java's String class. But it didn't work. I even check whether the String has & or not using indexOf method, but it didn't even seems to catch or even see the &
My code:
// supposed the value returned by the getObject function is "Behälter"
String text = (String)getObject("value");
if (text.indexOf("&") >= 0) text = "abc" + text;
text = text.replace("&", "&");
text = text.replaceAll("&", "&");
if (text.indexOf("&") >= 0) text = text + "def";
text = text + "xyz";
The result is
in the html: Behälterxyz
in the browser: Behälterxyz
Is there anything wrong with how I type and use replace / replaceAll? Thank you for the answer.
I would recommend using Apache Commons Lang for the StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml().
Feed it your string with the encoded characters, and it should spit it out decoded.