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JQgrid: Is there any event that fires when clicked on JQgrid Header?

In my .net application i am using Jqgrid for generating report.For some reports i need to show more than one grid , ie; at a time only one grid should be expand .

For doing this i need to know if any Grid header click event is available.

I have checked this event and i can see only "onHeaderClick" event available . onHeaderClick event will fire only we click on expand or cplapse icon on top right corner of each grid Header.

Any help is appreciated.


  • You can manually bind click event handle to the header:

    var $grid = $("#grid"); // your grid
    $($grid[0].grid.cDiv).click(function() {
        // $mygrid will be the same as $grid, but we can use the expression below
        // to be able to use one even handle for multiple grids
        var $mygrid = $(this).closest(".ui-jqgrid-view")
            gridstate = $mygrid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "gridstate");
        alert("the header is clicked!\n" +
              "gridstate is now \"" + gridstate + "\"");
    $grid.bind("jqGridHeaderClick", function (e, gridstate) {
        alert("the icon in the header is clicked!\n" +
              "gridstate is now \"" + gridstate + "\"");

    If required you can simulate the "click" on the icon in the header like the demo do.