In my .net application i am using Jqgrid for generating report.For some reports i need to show more than one grid , ie; at a time only one grid should be expand .
For doing this i need to know if any Grid header click event is available.
I have checked this event and i can see only "onHeaderClick" event available . onHeaderClick event will fire only we click on expand or cplapse icon on top right corner of each grid Header.
Any help is appreciated.
You can manually bind click
event handle to the header:
var $grid = $("#grid"); // your grid
$($grid[0].grid.cDiv).click(function() {
// $mygrid will be the same as $grid, but we can use the expression below
// to be able to use one even handle for multiple grids
var $mygrid = $(this).closest(".ui-jqgrid-view")
gridstate = $mygrid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "gridstate");
alert("the header is clicked!\n" +
"gridstate is now \"" + gridstate + "\"");
$grid.bind("jqGridHeaderClick", function (e, gridstate) {
alert("the icon in the header is clicked!\n" +
"gridstate is now \"" + gridstate + "\"");
If required you can simulate the "click" on the icon in the header like the demo do.