for example, if there is an @ElementCollection
file which is with a Map
type, then if I try to get the map key or value field then how to process?
Class Deal{
private String name;
private String department;
private DealType type;
@AttributeOverride(name="", column=@Column(name="in_avl")),
@AttributeOverride(name="", column=@Column(name="in_unv")),
@AttributeOverride(name="value.out.available", column=@Column(name="out_avl")),
@AttributeOverride(name="value.out.unavailable", column=@Column(name="out_unv"))
@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
So if I try to get something like this
select new SummaryAmount(SUM(, SUM(,
SUM(t.value.out.available), SUM(t.value.out.unavailable)) from Deal AS d INNER
JOIN d.transactionAmounts t GROUP by t.key;
Is it something possible can work out now? Everything is follow the book except I invent the t.value
and t.key
as I really don't know how to present map key and value in JPQL.Thanks
Try this:
SELECT new SummaryAmount(SUM(VALUE(t).in.available), SUM(VALUE(t)in.unavailable),
SUM(VALUE(t).out.available), SUM(VALUE(t).out.unavailable)) from Deal AS d INNER
JOIN d.transactionAmounts t GROUP by KEY(t);
And now an excerpt from the JPA specification:
An identification variable qualified by the KEY, VALUE, or ENTRY operator is a path expression. The KEY, VALUE, and ENTRY operators may only be applied to identification variables that correspond to map-valued associations or map-valued element collections. The type of the path expression is the type computed as the result of the operation; that is, the abstract schema type of the field that is the value of the KEY, VALUE, or ENTRY operator (the map key, map value, or map entry respectively).[53]
The syntax for qualified identification variables is as follows.
qualified_identification_variable :: =
KEY(identification_variable) |
VALUE(identification_variable) |
A path expression using the KEY or VALUE operator can be further composed. A path expression using the ENTRY operator is terminal. It cannot be further composed and can only appear in the SELECT list of a query.