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how to select project element in project explorer (eclipse plugin)

I'm writing an Eclipse command plugin and want to select the first project in the project explorer view.
note, that no editor is opened.
How do I do this?


  • First get the active workbench page and find the view:

    IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
    IViewPart viewPart = page.findView(id);

    The id for the Projects View is org.eclipse.jdt.ui.ProjectsView

    If the view is not open viewPart will be null.

    Get the selection provider from the view site:

    ISelectionProvider selProvider = viewPart.getSite().getSelectionProvider();

    Set selection:

    selProvider.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(project));

    project is the IProject object for the project you want to select.