I'm trying to embed a literate code example as HTML in Emacs org-mode.
The idea is that I can use something like
#+BEGIN_SRC html :noweb-ref content :exports source
<span>some content </span>
#+BEGIN_HTML :noweb tangle
Would something like this be possible? Because currently I have to copy&paste the part I want to be included (quoted) in the HTML source and the SRC bit that I want to show in the document.
EDIT: The concrete use case is that I would like to write a document explaining some HTML constructs (as a code block) and embedding (quoted) those same constructs in the document, without copy+paste
The example below is adapted from something similar I've used for writing about Org-mode. It seems to work for your use case too. The #+OPTIONS: d:RESULTS
ensures that the :RESULTS:
drawer is exported. Put this in an Org-mode buffer and export to HTML.
* Examples
The HTML source
#+name: eg-1
#+begin_src org :results replace drawer :exports both :post wrap-html(text=*this*)
A <b>bold</b> statement.
Results in the output
#+results: eg-1
* Utils :noexport:
#+name: wrap-html
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var text="" :results raw
(concat "#+BEGIN_HTML\n<div class=\"html-output\">\n" text "\n</div>\n#+END_HTML")
You can avoid repeating the headers by adding them as properties to the subtree heading, e.g.
* Example 2
:results: replace drawer
:exports: both
:post: wrap-html(text=*this*)
#+name: eg-2
#+begin_src org
Some <i>italic</i>.
#+results: eg-2
#+name: eg-3
#+begin_src org
You can <b>nest <i>inline</i> tags</b>.
#+results: eg-3
but note that these headers will apply to every source block in the subtree unless explicitly overridden.