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Finding the user who modified the shared drive folder files

I have a shared drive which is elsewhere on a server. I want to get a notification which gives me the user name of the person who has modified any file present in the shared drive.

Currently I am using the FileSystemWatcher to get the notification and the code provided by Stack overflow question "Find out username(who) modified file in C#" to find the user name.

But Instead I get the name of the computer on which the shared drive is at the moment. I want the username who had modified the file on the shared drive.

My piece of code is :

 private string GetSpecificFileProperties(string file, params int[] indexes)
            string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file);
            string folderName = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
            Shell32.Shell shell = new Shell32.Shell();
            Shell32.Folder objFolder;
            objFolder = shell.NameSpace(folderName);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (Shell32.FolderItem2 item in objFolder.Items())
                if (fileName == item.Name)
                    for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Length; i++)
                        sb.Append(objFolder.GetDetailsOf(item, indexes[i]) + ",");
            string result = sb.ToString().Trim();
            if (result.Length == 0)
                return string.Empty;
            return result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1);

string Type = GetSpecificFileProperties(filePath, 2);
string ObjectKind = GetSpecificFileProperties(filePath, 11);
DateTime CreatedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(GetSpecificFileProperties(filePath, 4));
DateTime LastModifiedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(GetSpecificFileProperties(filePath, 3));
DateTime LastAccessDate = Convert.ToDateTime(GetSpecificFileProperties(filePath, 5));
string LastUser = GetSpecificFileProperties(filePath, 10);
string ComputerName = GetSpecificFileProperties(filePath, 53);
string FileSize = GetSpecificFileProperties(filePath, 1);


  • I have got the fix to that, It can be achieved using the ObjectSecurity Class of .NET. In that we can use the GetOwner. It fetches the owner of the file who has modified / created a file. This is the piece of code which would help:

    string owner = System.IO.File.GetAccessControl(e.FullPath).GetOwner(typeof(System.Security.Principal.NTAccount)).ToString();