I am working on a Java web-application which uses DWR in a number of places. I am adding a new DWR component, which must not propogate any errors back to the end-user. Currently, if there's a server-side error, this is displayed in a pop-up to the user, which I want to prevent. So there are two parts to this:
1) according http://directwebremoting.org/dwr/documentation/browser/errors.html, errors-handling is configured via the:
call, but I can't find this in our code-base. Does this mean the existing popup is just the DWR default behaviour?
2) If I supress the existing message with a call to
where handler does nothing, does this just affect the only the pages where I make this call, or will I have wiped out the default-handler for other pages (which I want to keep)
To answer my own question, I've overriden this and it works correctly so