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Call a two digits phone number with Titanium on ios7

I have to call small phone number with only two digits, when I click on a specific view. This is working well in Android, but this doesn't work on ios6 and 7. By the way, this is working fine with 3 digits.

This is the function I call on click :

$.callView.addEventListener('click', function(e) {

This give me that error : <Warning>: Ignoring unsafe request to open URL tel:18 <Warning>: LaunchServices: application launch failed - received error code 12

I've seen some pieces of answer in this ticket, but it's not related to Titanium.

I've tried to call Ti.Platform.openURL like that :

  • tel://18?1
  • tel:18?1
  • tel:18#1
  • tel:+18?1
  • tel:+18#1

But none of theese things works. Have you an idea of what I have to do to make this call ?



  • You can try appending a pause as in tel:18p. This will show up as 18, which you might not like, but this looks like a long standing issue with Apple, so a fix doesn't appear imminent.