having some trouble getting my ember routing to work, and I'm a bit confused if I am doing it right. Seems like there has been quite a few changes to this part, which can be a bit confusing. I hope someone can help me see what is going wrong here.
Cloned Ember App Kit on Nov. 20th, 2013
Ember : 1.2.0-beta.4
Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.2
Handlebars : 1.1.2
Query : 1.9.1
Node : v0.10.21
Chrome : 31.0.1650.16 beta
OS X : Maverick
All source code is available here:
Sorry, no luck in getting it hosted yet, but I do have screenshots to illustrate:
I am having two problems with my current configuration.
When clicking on a link-to to return to the main screen (/, "refsets"), the contents of the child screen (/:publicid) gets prepended to the bottom of the main screen. This keeps stacking up as you navigate back and forth.
When clicking on the link-to for the buttons "show rules" or "show concepts", the screen goes blank, and ember returns this cryptic error (other custom and ember logging details provided, too):
Loading concepts in router ember.js:3227
GETing concepts for: {...} ember.js:3227
Rendering refset.concepts with default view <appkit@view:default::ember404>
Object {fullName: "view:refset.concepts"} ember.js:3227
Transitioned into 'refset.concepts' ember.js:3227
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null ember.js:24102
Assertion failed: Emptying a view in the inBuffer state is not allowed and
should not happen under normal circumstances. Most likely there is a bug
in your application. This may be due to excessive property change notifications.
Uncaught Error: You cannot modify child views while in the inBuffer state
These problematic 'link-to' statements are located:
Source can be found at link above, and also copied in below.
var Router = Ember.Router.extend();
Router.map(function() {
this.resource('refsets', {path:'/'});
this.resource('create', {path:'/create'}, function(){});
this.resource('refset', {path:'/:publicId'}, function(){
this.route('concepts', {path:'/'});
this.route('plan', {path:'plan'});
location: 'history'
export default Router;
<secion id="concepts">
{{#link-to 'refset.plan' refset}}<button class="toggle btn btn-sm btn-default">Show Rules</button>{{/link-to}}
<table id="forums" class="table table-striped">
<th>Effective on</th>
{{#each concept in controller}}
<td><a {{bind-attr href=concept.href}} target="_blank">{{concept.title}}</a></td>
<td>{{date-format concept.effectiveTime}}</td>
<secion id="plan">
{{#link-to 'refset.concepts' refset}}<button class="toggle btn btn-sm btn-default">Show Concepts</button>{{/link-to}}
<ul class="list-group">
{{#each rule in rules}}
<li class="list-group-item">
{{show-rule rule}}
<div class="terminal">Terminal: {{terminal}}</div>
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li>{{#link-to 'refsets'}}Refsets{{/link-to}}</li>
<li class="active">{{title}}</li>
<section id="details">
{{outlet details}}
<section id="details">
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
conceptsResponse: 'concepts-response-not-set',
needs: "refset",
refset: Ember.computed.alias("controllers.refset.model")
export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
planResponse: 'plan-response-not-set',
needs: "refset",
refset: Ember.computed.alias("controllers.refset")
export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({});
import Refset from 'appkit/models/refset';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
Ember.Logger.log('Loading concepts in router');
return Refset.getConcepts(this.modelFor('refset'), this);
renderTemplate: function(){
import Refset from 'appkit/models/refset';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
Ember.Logger.log('Loading plan in router');
return Refset.getPlan(this.modelFor('refset'), this);
renderTemplate: function(){
import Refset from 'appkit/models/refset';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(args) {
return Refset.loadRefset(args.publicId, this);
"title":"Citalopram 20mg tablet (product)",
"title":"Contusion of infraorbital nerve (disorder)",
"title":"Car sickness (finding)",
"title":"Pituitary carcinoma (morphologic abnormality)",
"title":"Oleogranuloma of intestine (disorder)",
"title":"Griseofulvin microsize (product)",
"title":"Procedure on intestine (procedure)",
"title":"Citalopram 20mg tablet (product)",
"title":"Contusion of infraorbital nerve (disorder)",
"title":"Car sickness (finding)",
"title":"Pituitary carcinoma (morphologic abnormality)",
"title":"Oleogranuloma of intestine (disorder)",
"title":"Griseofulvin microsize (product)",
"title":"Procedure on intestine (procedure)",
"title":"Hemoglobin F-Dammam (substance)",
"title":"Blood group antibody Ce (substance)",
"title":"Hemoglobin A,c (substance)",
"title":"Glial cell (cell)",
"title":"This is a sample refset",
"description":"and I am a sample description",
export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(function(rule) {
if (rule.get('type') === 'LIST'){
return new window.Handlebars.SafeString("<span style=\"color: lightgrey\">" + rule.get('id') + "</span> <strong>List</strong> <span style=\"padding-left: 0.5em;color:grey\">[" + rule.get('concepts').length + "]</span>");
else if (rule.get('type') === 'UNION'){
return new window.Handlebars.SafeString("<span style=\"color: lightgrey\">" + rule.get('id') + "</span> <strong></strong>Rule " + rule.get('left') + " <strong>Union</strong> Rule " + rule.get('right'));
else if (rule.get('type') === 'DIFFERENCE'){
return new window.Handlebars.SafeString("<span style=\"color: lightgrey\">" + rule.get('id') + "</span> <strong></strong>Rule " + rule.get('left') + " <strong>Difference</strong> Rule " + rule.get('right'));
else if (rule.get('type') === 'SYMMETRIC'){
return new window.Handlebars.SafeString("<span style=\"color: lightgrey\">" + rule.get('id') + "</span> <strong></strong>Rule " + rule.get('left') + " <strong>Symmetric Difference</strong> Rule " + rule.get('right'));
else if (rule.get('type') === 'INTERSECTION'){
return new window.Handlebars.SafeString("<span style=\"color: lightgrey\">" + rule.get('id') + "</span> <strong></strong>Rule " + rule.get('left') + " <strong>Intersection</strong> Rule " + rule.get('right'));
Most of the times I see this it's related to invalid HTML, mismatched divs/sections etc.
<section id="details">
{{outlet details}}
<section id="details">
should be
<section id="details">
{{outlet details}}
And in the plan.hbs section
is misspelled as secion
Additionally using the / as the concepts path seems to be confusing ember, it thinks that the url with the / at the end is still just refset (not concepts)
Router.map(function() {
this.resource('refsets', {path:'/'});
this.resource('create', {path:'/create'}, function(){});
this.resource('refset', {path:'/:publicId'}, function(){
this.route('concepts', {path:'concepts'});
this.route('plan', {path:'plan'});