See Boolean#TYPE for an example of what I'm referring to.
All of the wrapper classes (Boolean, Double, Integer, etc) have a static Class field associated with them called TYPE
. What is the meaning of this?
Specifically, here are a few soft tests:
System.out.println(Boolean.class == Boolean.TYPE);
Both evaluate as false. (And as a side note, an .equals
comparison is unnecessary since Class does not override equals from Object.)
Both Boolean.class
and Boolean.TYPE
are Class<Boolean>
because they are ==
comparable without an error. Comparing two objects with differently declared generic types is illegal.
On further inspection, the TYPE
fields are retrieved by calling a package-private native method Class#getPrimitiveClass
along the lines of the following:
public static final Class<Boolean> TYPE = Class.getPrimitiveClass("boolean");
The comment on the method itself is not particularly informative either. It says it returns the VM's class object for the type which is fairly obvious since it is a native method.
I can't find any documentation on this beyond the Java docs' vague allusion to "representing the primitive type". Is there some kind of use for this field? It's unused in the wrapper classes themselves.
System.out.println(boolean.class == Boolean.TYPE);
Is true.
Also one use is then reflection:
try {
Constructor ctor = Boolean.class.getConstructor(Boolean.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("NoSuchMethodException gets thrown");
try {
Constructor ctor = Boolean.class.getConstructor(Boolean.TYPE);
} catch (Exception e) {
// (no exception thrown)
And I've found some SO threads that cite that, such as this one. I guess I came from the "wrong end" of Google so-to-speak to not find any results on it.
But considering the existence of the "primitive classes" (boolean.class
, int.class
etc.) that doesn't really explain the TYPE field existence. Basically it's "just there"? I still don't really get it.
The class representing the primitive type is useful in specifying or examining methods that take or return primitives. For example, if your class has a method that looks like this
class Test {
static int round(float val) {...}
and you wish to access this method through reflection, you would need to do this:
Method round = Test.class.getMethod("round", Float.TYPE);
You can examine the return type, too:
if (round.getReturnType == Integer.TYPE) {
System.out.println("Method 'round' returns an int.");
Using Float.class
Method round = Test.class.getMethod("round", Float.class);
would not work, because that would pull a different method - this one:
static int round(Float val) {...}