I have build a query to return data from two tables in which they are joined by inner join. Although, as the query seems fine, i am getting error message when i try to access the selected field names from the query. How do i use .SingleOrDefault() function in this query. Can anybody help me how should i proceed.
private void FindByPincode(int iPincode)
using (ABCEntities ctx = new ABCEntities())
var query = from c in ctx.Cities
join s in ctx.States
on c.StateId equals s.StateId
where c.Pincode == iPincode
select new {
// var query = ctx.Cities.AsNoTracking().SingleOrDefault(_city => _city.Pincode == iPincode);
if (query != null)
cboState.SelectedItem.Text =query.State; //Getting error "Could not found"
cboCity.SelectedItem.Text = query.CityName; //Getting error "Could not found"
txtArea.Text = query.Area; //Getting error "Could not found"
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
using (ABCEntities ctx = new ABCEntities())
var query = (from c in ctx.Cities
join s in ctx.States
on c.StateId equals s.StateId
where c.Pincode == iPincode
select new {
if (query != null)
cboState.SelectedItem.Text =query.State;
cboCity.SelectedItem.Text = query.CityName;
txtArea.Text = query.Area;