I have a JS variable valuePercent that I get its value from hdnParam.Value (string that is obtained from C#) but its not working. I convert the string to an int using ParseInt() but I get NaN on my output. Any ideas?
string test = "67";
hdnParam.Value = test;
<%-- Hidden field to store string to be displayed in gage--%>
<input type="hidden" id="hdnParam" runat="server" clientidmode="Static" />
var valuePercent = document.getElementById("hdnParam").value;
var gg1 = new JustGage({
id: "gg1",
donut: 0,
title: "LAKELAND",
titleFontColor: "#000000",
min: 0,
max: 100,
labelFontColor: "#000000",
humanFriendlyDecimal: 1,
decimals: 1,
symbol: "%",
refreshAnimationType: "bounce",
gaugeWidthScale: 0.6,
customSectors: [{
color: "#ff0000",
lo: 0,
hi: 79
}, {
color: "#ffa500",
lo: 80,
hi: 89
}, {
color: "#1eae1e",
lo: 90,
hi: 100
counter: true
function refreshDiv() {
gg1.refresh(parseInt(valuePercent)); //THIS DOES NOT WORK
gg1.refresh(45); //THIS WORKS
var myVar = setInterval(function () { refreshDiv() }, 1000);
Could you please check the generated id of "hidden input"? ASP.NET may add prefixes to id's, i see you've set the clientidmode=static but asking to be sure.
If id has prefix you may get it's value like that:
document.getElementById("<%= hdnParam.ClientID %>").value