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Difference between red5 and wowza

I am trying to set up a streaming media server. I tried wowza and found it very well documented. Its forums are very active.

I also checked red5. Red5 originated in 2005 whereas wowza started in 2007. Red5 is open source too. The past links to red5 documentation are almost dead. Is wowza a proprietary version of red5? Or red5 evolved into wowza just like rtmpd into evostream?

How do i set up red5 to capture an rtsp stream of the following format and publish it to rtmp?

 rtsp://username:password@<Camera IP Address>:554/axis-media/media.amp


  • I can answer half. Red5 and Wowza are completely seperate projects. Wowza is closed source while red5 is open source. Wowza did not evolve out of red5. I don't know a feature by feature comparison between the two projects.

    Scott, Wowza