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'rich:component' not found: a4j:ajax with a composite component

I've built a simple composite component - a "richer" commandLink. I want it to support the clientBehavior, but when there is a <a4j:ajax> attached to the component I sometimes get the exception: ELException: Function 'rich:component' not found

It only comes when I use #{rich:component('...')} inside any attribute of <a4j:ajax>. For example oncomplete="#{rich:component('...')}.show()"

Edit: I am getting a Server error, not a JavaScript error.

The composite component (simplified):

    <composite:attribute name="style" />
    <composite:clientBehavior name="click" event="action" targets="commandLink" default="true"/>

    <h:commandLink id="commandLink" style="#{}">
        <!-- my custom component content -->

The problematic use of this component looks like this:

<myLib:commandLink value="Custom CmdLink">
    <a4j:ajax render="@form" execute="@form"

But the following code works like a charm:

<h:commandLink value="test">
    <a4j:ajax render="@form" execute="@form"

Edit: This one works too:

<a4j:ajax render="@form" execute="@form"
    <myLib:commandLink value="label"/>


  • It seems to be a bug in Mojarra (we have been using the version 2.1.6), that EL lost the namespace "rich". A working workaround was to declare the namespace in the a4j:ajax tag for each use:

                    <myLib:commandLink value="Show">
                        <a4j:ajax render="@form" execute="@form" xmlns:rich=""

    After updating Mojarra to 2.1.26 the problem is gone and no needs for this workaround.