Hello i'm having a script but when i try to catch info that i need i cant this is the part of html code that i would like to get:
<div class="pretty-container " >
So on my socket y try to do this to get the 2100.0(2100.0 it is a variable number):
on *:sockread:foo: {
var %read
sockread %read
if ($regex(%read,<div class="pretty-container " >(.*)<\/div>)) {
echo -s price founded: $regml(1)
; - here i try to catch the 2100.0 number
sockclose $sockname
but this doesn't work i believe it is because the number and are in another line. con some one helpme to solve this please?
thanks in advace,
The sockread
command you use only reads one line at a time. Seeing as the data you're looking for is spread over multiple lines, your regular expression will never find a match.
A solution to this would be simply checking whether the current line contains <div class="pretty-container " >
, and if so, store the data of the next line in another variable:
var %read, %number
sockread %read
if (<div class="pretty-container " > isin %read) {
sockread %number
echo -s Number: %number
sockclose $sockname