I assembled the following code with
nasm -f bin option
and put it into floppy image and then run with virtualbox
my goal is to call print_word
but how can I call print_word
To learn how to call a function which is in extra sector,
I put print_word
into second sector with intension.
Thanks in advance.
org 0x7c00
mov ax, 0x0206
mov cx, 0x0002
mov dx, 0x0000
mov bx, 0x7e00
push bx
pop es
mov bx, 0
int 13h
jc .try_again
mov ax, 0xabcd
push ax
jmp 0x7e00
jmp $
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
%include "./common/print_word.asm"
push bp
mov bp, sp
push word [bp+4]
call print_word_1
push word [bp+4]
call print_word_2
push word [bp+4]
call print_word_3
push word [bp+4]
call print_word_4
mov sp, bp
pop bp
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ah, 0x0e
mov byte al, [bp+4]
shr al, 4
cmp al, 0x0a
jl .num
sub al, 0x0a
jmp .char
add al, '0'
jmp .put
add al, 'A'
jmp .put
int 10h
mov sp, bp
pop bp
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ah, 0x0e
mov byte al, [bp+4]
shl al, 4
shr al, 4
cmp al, 0x0a
jl .num
sub al, 0x0a
jmp .char
add al, '0'
jmp .put
add al, 'A'
jmp .put
int 10h
mov sp, bp
pop bp
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ah, 0x0e
mov byte al, [bp+5]
shr al, 4
cmp al, 0x0a
jl .num
sub al, 0x0a
jmp .char
add al, '0'
jmp .put
add al, 'A'
jmp .put
int 10h
mov sp, bp
pop bp
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ah, 0x0e
mov byte al, [bp+5]
shl al, 4
shr al, 4
cmp al, 0x0a
jl .num
sub al, 0x0a
jmp .char
add al, '0'
jmp .put
add al, 'A'
jmp .put
int 10h
mov sp, bp
pop bp
Use a regular CALL instruction. Your assembler will assemble a CALL NEAR with a displacement rather an absolute address. Something like this:
mov ax,0xabcd
push ax
call print_word
add sp,2 ;to restore the stack
jmp $
Also, note that your print_word routine
, when calling print_word_1
, print_word_2
, etc, doesn't restore the stack properly. Your calling convention requires the caller to remove the arguments it pushed on the stack, so after each call print_word_N
instruction, you have to restore the stack, either by issuing an add sp,2
instruction, or by popping the last stack element into an unused register. For example, like this:
As the value passed to the different print_word_N routines is always the same, and as your routines don't change the value of the parameter, you can optimize code size a litte by assuming the argument is already on the stack for the second and subsequent calls:
push bp
mov bp, sp
push word [bp+4]
call print_word_1
call print_word_2
call print_word_3
call print_word_4
mov sp, bp
pop bp
BTW: Don't forget this is a little endian machine. You are converting to hex and printing the byte at [ebp+4]
, then the byte at [ebp+5]
. This will result in CDAB
printed on screen. Two left-most digits of your hex number are located in the byte at [ebp+5]
so you should print them first, then digits stored at byte [ebp+4]
Ah! About loading sectors: your mistake is how you have considered the segment and offset of the block where the sector is loaded. You want to load the next sector at 0000:7E00, that is, next to the first 512 bytes of code loaded. Instead, you load it at 7E00:0000, which is not the same address at all.
The updated and fixed code is as follows (the part that loads the next sector):
org 0x7c00
mov ax, 0 ;segment is 0
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, 0x0201 ;load 1 sector
mov cx, 0x0002 ;located at sector 2
mov dx, 0x0000
mov bx, 0x7e00 ;into 0000:7E00
int 13h
jnc .ok
mov ax,0 ;reset floppy controller ir error
int 13h
jmp .try_again
mov ax, 0xabcd
push ax
call print_word
add sp,2
jmp $