I seem to have an issue fixing the location and size of the Plot. is this normal or al i missing something?
My code goes like this:
GPlot.Model = new PlotModel();
GPlot.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
GPlot.Enabled = true;
GPlot.Parent = Top_Tabs.TabPages[2]; // Putting it on a Tab
// At this point the Location And Size of GPlot, are those of the containing parent
GPlot.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(279, 224);
GPlot.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(10, 10);
// Last Two lines had no effect.
thank you
Remove this line:
GPlot.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
means: Set the control's size and location to fit exactly into it's parent's ClientRectangle. It will ignore the location and size you set manually.