I am trying to get information from a REST API in a Java program. It was recommended to me that I should use Jersey to do this.
From what I have read so far, Jersey seems to have two functions. The first is to create a REST API and the other is to gather information from a REST API. I am using an already created REST API, so I do not need the first function.
So I am looking for examples on how to do a simple GET request using Jersey. However, every example I have found so far seems to be how to create your API to use GET or have been using a different version of Jersey (I am using Jersey with Glassfish). I am struggling finding any information how to do this.
I have been using the following: https://jersey.java.net/download.html.
And I have been trying to follow the following documentation (User Guide): https://jersey.java.net/nonav/documentation/latest/user-guide.html#d0e1290
I would just like to know how to do a GET request using Jersey. Any information on this or links to documentation / examples would be great.
Thanks ahead of time.
You want to build a REST client, not a REST service.
And you're in the right documentation, but the wrong chapter. What you're looking for is 5.3 Overview of the Client API.
Basically, you will use four pieces.
A complete code example is in section 5.3.6.
To start, ignore the ClientConfig. Instantiate the simplest client using Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
and then focus on setting up your WebTarget and Invocation.Builder.