I'm using SFML and I want to make a delaunay triangulation of a random set of points.
I'm using triangle++, a c++ wrapper
I added those #defines
#define REDUCED
#define CDT_ONLY
#define NO_TIMER
#define CYGWIN
This compiles, it runs fines, but now that it calculated those things, how do I get the edges between vertices ?
This was not really clear, but fiterator means face iterator, and a face is a triangle. Org, Dest and Apex are the indices of those vertices.
for(Delaunay::fIterator fit = delobject.fbegin();
fit != delobject.fend();
cout << " Org " << delobject.Org(fit) << ", "
<< " Dest " << delobject.Dest(fit) << ", "
<< " Apex " << delobject.Apex(fit) << //" \t: Area = "
Don't forget Triangle++ doesn't really require you to put the actual Triangle.c code, so it was really easy to use.