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How to find an element in a boost::fusion::vector at runtime?

I have here a proprietary implementation of a generic state machine that uses a std::tr1::tuple as a transition table:

template<State StartState, Event TriggerEvent, State TargetState>
struct transition {...};

typedef std::tr1::tuple< transition< ready      , run      , running     >
                       , transition< running    , terminate, terminating >
                       , transition< terminating, finish   , terminated  >
                       > transition_table;

There's a function

template<typename Transitions>
State find_next_state( State current
                     , Event event
                     , const Transitions& transition_table );

to find the next state in the transition table given a current state and an event.

This all works fine except for this platform's tuple implementation not supporting more than 10 items. The same seems to be true for boost::tuple, so I am trying to employ boost::fusion::vector instead. But it seems fusion's find_if only takes "a unary MPL Lambda Expression" — which, I suppose, only works at compile time.

So given the above, how can I implement find_next_state()?


This a proprietary embedded platform that supplies only GCC 4.1.2, so we're stuck with C++03+TR1.


  • Writing your own find_if is rather trivial, except for the "return the found value" part. Since a boost::fusion::vector is a heterogenous container, there is no single right type to return. One possible solution that comes to mind is accepting a continuation function that is invoked with the found value:

    #include <boost/fusion/include/size.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/at_c.hpp>
    // private implementation details
    namespace detail{
    // shorthand ...
    template<class S>
    struct fusion_size{
      static const unsigned value =
    // classic compile-time counter
    template<unsigned> struct uint_{};
    template<class Seq, class Pred, class F>
    void find_if(Seq&, Pred const&, F, uint_<fusion_size<Seq>::value>, int)
    { /* reached the end, do nothing */ }
    template<class Seq, class Pred, class F, unsigned I>
    void find_if(Seq& s, Pred const& pred, F f, uint_<I>, long){
            return; // bail as soon as we find it
        find_if(s, pred, f, uint_<I+1>(), 0);
    } // detail::
    template<class Seq, class Pred, class F>
    void find_if(Seq& s, Pred const& pred, F f){
        detail::find_if(s, pred, f, detail::uint_<0>(), 0);

    Live example.

    The int and long parameters, as well as the 0 argument are just for disambiguation when I+1 == fusion_size<Seq>::value, as both functions would be equally viable. 0 being of type int makes the first overload (the final one) preferred.