So I have some code that performs a spatial selection on a featurelayer using a spatial filter. This works fine for normal featureclass layers, but fails when run on an SDE featureclass. I'm wondering if anyone could shed some light onto what the problem might be? The error i'm getting is an HRESULT 0x80041515 which gives me an error code that I can find any information on anywhere. My function takes a polyline and a layer string, and selects a polygon in the layer based on the centerpoint of the line. Here's a sample of the code:
' Creates centerpoint of line envelope
Dim pCenterPoint As IPoint = New Point
pCenterPoint.SpatialReference = pPolyline.SpatialReference
pCenterPoint.PutCoords((pPolyline.Envelope.XMin + pPolyline.Envelope.XMax) / 2, (pPolyline.Envelope.YMin + pPolyline.Envelope.YMax) / 2)
' Expands envelope
Dim eCenterEnvelope As IEnvelope
eCenterEnvelope = pCenterPoint.Envelope
eCenterEnvelope.Expand(pMxDoc.SearchTolerance, pMxDoc.SearchTolerance, False)
' Get layer of interest
Dim pLayer As IFeatureLayer = FindLayerByName(strSelect, layerType.FeatureLayer, False, False)
pLayer.Selectable = True
' Create spatial filter
Dim spatialFilter As ISpatialFilter = New SpatialFilterClass()
spatialFilter.Geometry = eCenterEnvelope
spatialFilter.GeometryField = pLayer.Name
spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects
Dim queryFilter As IQueryFilter = New QueryFilterClass()
queryFilter = CType(spatialFilter, IQueryFilter)
' Select features
Dim pFeatureSelection As IFeatureSelection = pLayer
pFeatureSelection.Clear() 'clear any current selections in the layer first
pFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures(queryFilter, esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultAdd, True)
If pFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count = 0 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
The code fails when I call pFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures(), but only when the featurelayer belongs to an SDE featureclass. Any ideas?
So I finally resolved this issue by adjusting the input geometry field to the spatial filter that I created.
I changed this: spatialFilter.GeometryField = pLayer.Name
to this: spatialFilter.GeometryField = pLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName