Error message states "SQL syntax error NEAR 'table, alter table,..." NO ERROR NUMBER GIVEN
CREATE USER admin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT select, update, insert, delete, create table, alter table, drop table,
create index, drop index, create routine, create procedure, create function
ON test.*
TO admin@localhost;*
All of the items I am trying to grant are valid permissions but when it gets to the first "table" in the list it just does not like it, am I missing something or is there a conflict that I just don't understand.
is not needed:
GRANT select, update, insert, delete, create, alter, drop
ON test.* TO admin@localhost;
I'm not sure about that how to add procedure, function privileges, I'll find it.
as fvu mentioned, you can find grant privileges MySQL Manual. especially for PROCEDURE,
I have read your comment on your question. output is from SHOW GRANTS ...
. I have googled about it. output of SHOW GRANTS looks like that can run directly in MySQL. but it can't. (this fact I just didn't know. thanks)
and how to find something like you want... can you try this?:
FROM information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES
WHERE GRANTEE = 'user_id@hosname';
You can see which real privileges name user@hostname has... good. but hard to make GRANT ...
Percona has interesting feature like this:
SELECT sql_grants
FROM common_schema.sql_show_grants;
I found it this question.
Thanks alot! I have learned many skills for your question!!!