I have a rails app in which students can apply to projects posted by employers. I have it so a Student has_many projects, and a Project belongs_to Student. The problem is that the project can exist for a long time before a student is chosen for it. What I mean by this is that until an employer presses the hire button in a view, the student_id of project is nil. Once the employer presses the 'hire' button, I am trying to set the student_id of project to the student who was hired. For some reason, I can't do this. Here is the Project model:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :student
belongs_to :employer
has_many :relationships
def change_it
self.student_id = self.relationships.where(:state => :active).first.student_id
self.relationships.each do |relationship|
if relationship.state != :active
When I click the hire button, it takes me to the next page as normal, but when i check the project's student_id in the console, it is still nil.
How do I fix this? Thanks.
I think that you want to introduce an additional model to capture the relationship between the Student and the Project. Maybe restating the problem will help clarify this.
The first point suggests that the Project belongs to a Professor (not a Student). From the second and third points I would tend to say that a Student has an Assignment to the Project and that Assignment might have 'applied', 'approved', and 'declined' states. With that in mind I'd probably model it this way (with the state_machine gem):
class Student < ARec
has_many :assignments
has_many :approved_assignments, class_name: 'Assignment', conditions: { state: 'approved' }
class Project < ARec
has_many :assignments
has_one :approved_assignment, class_name: 'Assignment', conditions: { state: 'approved' }
class Assignment < ARec
belongs_to :student
belongs_to :project
state_machine :state, initial: :applied do
state: :approved
state: :declined
event :approve do
transition all => :approved
event :decline do
transition all => :declined