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classcastexception when passing a hasmap parameter to insert method

i'm trying to insert multiple objects into a table with ibatis,i suppose the class cast exception get cast when the HasMap parameter is passed to dao mapper method , because breakpoints don't get hit and the insert query doesn't get logged . I've tried to pass a list but got the same exception . Below i've posted the code , at the moment i'm completly clueless. what's wrong the mapping ?

xml mapping :

    <insert id="insert" parameterType="java.util.HashMap">
   <foreach collection="anticipi" item="item" separator=",">
      (  #{item.ID} ,#{item.ID_BATCH},#{item.ID_FASCICOLO}

this is the model :

    public class AnticipoF implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6679856006862546933L;
    private Integer ID;
    private Integer ID_BATCH;
    private String ID_FASCICOLO;
    private Integer ABI;
    private Integer CED;
    private String ORIGINE;
    private String TIPO;
    private Double IMPORTO;
    private Integer PEZZI;
    private String NUMERO_FATTURA;
    private Integer PAGINA_FATTURA;
    private Integer TRASMESSO;
    private String NUMERO_FATTURA_ELAB;
    private Date DATA_CREAZIONE;

//... getters and setters       
  //...equals and hashcode}

the mapped method signature :

public void insertAnticipiFatturaKofax(HashMap<String,Object> anticipiFattureKofax) throws SQLException;

the hash map :

List<AnticipoFatturaKofax> anticipiFattureKofax = new ArrayList<AnticipoFatturaKofax>();
HashMap<String,Object> anticipi = new HashMap<String, Object>();
anticipi.put("anticipi", anticipiFattureKofax);

the call :



  • The problem wasn't in ibatis but in a logging class injected by spring aop. Anyway , since i've spent a lot of time on this (i'm a beginner in ibatis and spring) , the correct mapping of the insert command , for sql server older than 2008 , is :

       <foreach collection="anticipi" item="item" open="SELECT" separator="UNION ALL SELECT">
          #{item.ID} ,#{item.ID_BATCH},#{item.ID_FASCICOLO}