The documentation and examples on the JIRA REST api that I've seen so far don't cover the case where you want to identify the currently logged in user on a particular host (having no prior information about them).
I want to do this so I can just say 'get all issues assigned to me', rather than 'get all issues assigned to Bob' (as I would have to know the username 'Bob' for this).
Is this possible?
Many thanks
If you want to know the details of the current session (which also gives the user name) then the REST API URI path is /rest/auth/latest/session
Below is the JSON returned by the API
"self": "<JIRA host>/rest/api/latest/user?username=bob",
"name": "Bob",
"loginInfo": {
"failedLoginCount": 1,
"loginCount": 2,
"lastFailedLoginTime": "2011-11-17T19:27:50.097-0800",
"previousLoginTime": "2011-11-20T19:06:58.412-0800"