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create empty object (empty brackets) with toJSON

I need to create a JSON string from R using toJSON. My issue is that part of the JSON should contain an empty JSON object {}. I thought list() would do it for me:

> fromJSON("{}")
> toJSON(list())
[1] "[]"

[Scratches head]

Anybody know how to get a {} using toJSON? I am using a lib that does the encoding, so answers that do not use toJSON will not help me.



  • There are a number of packages that have toJSON and fromJSON functions.

    Using rjson::fromJSON, '{}' is read in as a list of length 0, whereas RJSONIO::fromJSON reads in {} as a named list of length 0.

    In either package, calling fromJSON on a named list will do what you want.

    Clearly, RJSONIO is performing as you want it to do

    ## [1] '{}'
    ## [1] "[]"

    If you use rjson then you will have to manually set the names of the list of length 0

    rjson::toJSON(setNames(rjson::fromJSON('{}'), character(0)))
    ## [1] "{}"