I've been playing around with this for an hour and it may be something small I'm missing, but I can't seem to get the Google API path method ".lat()" or ".lng()" to work in my function. However if I alert the same method it will show me the lat/lng values just fine. This function is attempting to build the LINESTRING section of the WHERE clause of a Maps Engine query.
for(x = 0; x <= path.length; x=x+2){
queryWhere += path[x].lng() + " " + path[x].lat();
if(!path[path.length - 1] || !path[path.length - 2]){
queryWhere += ", ";
queryWhere += ")'))<5000";
I'm getting back "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'lng' of undefined", however if I do:
alert(path[x].lng() + " " + path[x].lat());
It's working perfectly fine.
Can only check to last elemnt in array. Index is zero based, so last index is ( length - 1)
Change to just less than length
for(x = 0; x < path.length; x=x+2)
You are overshooting the array in your code, so last pass will return undefined for path[x]