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onbeforeunload not always working

I'm making a simple script to save some data on when a user access a page and leaves a page, along with some other page details. The script "works", but it doesn't work all the time. It seems to be working sporadically. I'm not getting console errors on the time it doesn't. The server side works fine.

window.onload = function() {

var timeStarted, i, c, l, timeLeft, pageData; 

timeStarted = new Date().getTime();

i = <?php echo $model->id; ?>;
c = <?php echo $model->cat; ?>;
l= <?php echo $model->loc; ?>;

window.onbeforeunload = function(){

timeLeft = new Date().getTime();

pageData = [{name: 'timeStarted', value: timeStarted}, 
            {name: 'i', value: job},
            {name: 'c', value: cat},
            {name: 'l', value: loc},
            {name: 'timeLeft', value: timeLeft}];

// Set url for JavaSCript
var url = '<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl("item/viewedItemInformation"); ?>';

<?php echo CHtml::ajax(array(
        'data'=> "js: pageData",
        )); ?>;             


I've just read this post window.onbeforeunload not working in chrome and I am using chrome. However I seem to get the same results in FF too.

What is the correct away about solving this?

Update I literally couldn't tell you what the situations it does and doesn't work. I am only using this function on item pages. Sometimes when i click on an item page and leave to visit another item it works other times it doesn't it really is that sporadic. What I can say is if I leave the item page for a non item page like the home page, no records are ever recorded.


  • So far this is how i've gone about it. Perhaps it will be helpful to others, if not and there are problems with this I shall delete the answer.

    When I load the item page I update my DB with an identifier, category, id number, location, time started using NOW() and I update the time left as NOW() also.

    Then within the page itself I run this javascript.

    // Set url for JavaSCript
    var url = '<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl("item/viewedItemInformation"); ?>';
    var item = '<?php echo $model->id; ?>';
    var data = [{name: 'item', value: item},
        {name: 'async', value: false}];
    // call function to see if still on page
    var onPage = setInterval(function() {
    <?php echo CHtml::ajax(array(
            'data'=> "js: data",
    }, 5000);

    So that script runs every 5 seconds and calls another controller function that searches for the record in the DB and updates the time_ended with the time the controller function was called using NOW() also.

    Hope that makes sense, I've only tested it a little bit, so I'll need to do a bit more with this. If anyone sees any problems with it let me know.


    So far this script seems to be working fine. I'm only working on my localhost and I have LinkedIn plugins and they seem to stop the script working. I keep getting this error: I've never noticed it before. I have recently reinstalled my XAMPP so might not be aware of any other differences between set up. I'm also not sure why the plugin would seem to stop my JS script working?

    Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
