I have just started trying out micro libraries instead of using jQuery and I'd like to use qwery with bean. If I set bean.setSelectorEngine(qwery);
why does the following not work?
bean.on('.masthead', 'click', function () {
console.log('click fired');
I am also using bonzo for DOM utility, so I have set it to use the dollar along with qwery so I can select elements in a jQuery-like fashion: e.g. $('.masthead')
function $(selector) {
return bonzo(qwery(selector));
This also does not work. Should I not be able to use the following with bean?
bean.on($('.masthead'), 'click', function () {
console.log('click fired');
Perhaps I have missed something important in the bean documentation.. What do I need to do to fix this?
Also, I am trying to avoid using Ender if at all possible, I am trying to keep my external libraries down to a minimum.
Yes, you can use all those libraries together without Ender. But you are going to have to wire up all the connections between those libraries yourself.
This should get you started:
// make Bean and Bonzo use Qwery
// as their internal selector engine
// to use $ instead of bonzo
function $(selector, root) {
return bonzo(qwery(selector, root));
// $() will return a bonzo object
// so if you want to be able to use
// bean's methods on the bonzo object
// like $().on()
// you are going to have to extend bonzo
on: function (eventName, callback) {
return this.each(function (elem) {
return bean.on(elem, eventName, callback);
// do the same for bean's other methods (fire, off, etc)
// now you should be able to do this:
$('.masthead').on('click', function () {
console.log('click fired');
Hope that helps! :)