This is a piece of class, that I've mapped into Hibernate:
Set<Literature> literatures;
Set<RecycleFacility> recycleFacilities;
Set<Assent> assents;
But when I'm trying to map this class to JSon, I always have a stacks. I was using Jackson Mapper, Genson, and Google Gson, but they can't map this piece of code (or I don't know how to map this). Can anyone tell me, how to map propertly this kind of sets?
Assuming your json format is like this
and assuming your object model classes are composed in another class as like
Class Another{
Set<Literature> literatures;
Set<RecycleFacility> recycleFacilities;
Set<Assent> assents;
// getter/setter
Then you can parse and and populate your hibernate object model as below.
Another response = gson.fromJson(reader, Another.class);
You can create json from model as below
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonString= gson.toJson(yourObject);