I'm running into a problem when I compile my code. When I compile my code foo2.var returns null in class foo and I can't seem to figure out why. Is there something wrong in how I'm doing the static initialization in the foo2 class to cause foo2.var to be null in the foo class?
Any help is appreciated.
public class foo extends bar {
public final static String blah = foo2.var;
public abstract class bar {
public class foo2 extends bar {
public final static String var;
static {
var = "newstring";
Null pointer error on the foo2.var line in this example.
Accessing a static field (whose value is not a compile-time-constant expression) will trigger initialization of the class declaring that field, during which which the static initializers are executed. However, initialization is only guaranteed to have completed by the time the field is read if there is no cyclic dependency among initializers.
For instance, if you run the program
class Bar {
static final long bar;
static {
System.out.println("Assigning bar");
bar = Foo.foo;
class Foo extends Bar {
static final long foo;
static {
System.out.println("Assigning foo");
foo = 1;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Foo();
you get the following output:
Assigning bar
Assigning foo
because to create a new instance of Foo
, Foo.class
is initialized, which first initializes its super class Bar.class
, which reads the field of Foo.class
, but Foo.class
is already being initialized. The Java Language Specification mandates in section 12.4.2, step 3, that such a recursive initialization completes immediately, i.e. the caller will see the class in a partially initialized state. That is, Foo.foo
is unassigned at the time it is read, and therefore still contains the default value of 0. That value is assigned to Bar.bar
, completing initialization of Bar.class
. Then, initialization of Foo.class
is resumed by running the initializer, which sets Foo.foo
to 1.
Practically speaking, you might wish to review the dependencies of your classes and structure your program such that there are no cyclic dependencies among initializers.