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my javascript sounds wont play in windows XP?

new Audio('sounds/mysound.mp3').play();

Im using the above javascript to play sounds on a web project, everything works fine at home on my laptop which is running Windows 7 , tested in both Firefox, and Google Chrome.

The problem i have is that on Windows XP, the sounds wont play at all? I do understand that browser support for the above is a bit sketchy at the moment, as mp3 is not fully supported apparently, in firefox for example.. so im a bit confused?? why does it play on my windows 7 machine, but not on windows xp machines, even in the same browser?

I may well have to look at doing the sounds with a plugin or something, can jPlayer play sounds with no visbable player icons etc.. as all the demos show some form of player on screen?

Any help appreciated.

Thanks Paul

EDIT*** I think if OGG files will work, i`ll have to have both sound file formats in my sounds folder, and then use a javascript variable to add the .ext required depending on what broswer is being used.

check which browser
extVariable = either '.mp3' or '.ogg' accordingly
new Audio('sounds/mysound'+extVariable).play();

That way i dont need if else statments everytime i wish to call a sound :) just set the .ext variable up at the top of page.

i made the following audio test over at and just as i thought using windows XP, the ogg file will play in firefox, but the mp3 wont. It would be interesting to know if the mp3 plays on other peoples windows 7 machines, like it does on mine, even though it shouldnt??


  • Firefox relies on codex available on the machine to play mp3 to get around licensing issues, so that could cause issues.

    If you are looking for a sound library to abstract away the issues of supporting audio on browsers with variable support, I'd recommend SoundJS, which I help develop. It uses the latest audio standards when available, and has a flash fallback for older browsers and systems. using SoundJS, you can write a single codebase that is broadly supported, including on mobile devices.

    Hope that helps.