I have a question about an ArrayList inside an Arraylist. It's about multiple worlds with multiple spawns. I want to check every world one by one and save all the spawns of that world in an ArrayList. At the end I have an ArrayList with on every position (every position is a world) another Arraylist containing the spawns of that world.
How can I do this if I don't know how many spawns or worlds there are going to be? I thought of this:
Looking to just one world:
public ArrayList<Location> Spawnpoints = new ArrayList<Location>();
//ArrayList containing all the spawns of this world).
Looking to every single spawn in the world
Spawnpoints.add(new Location(spawnX , spawnY , spawnZ));
//Adding every spawn to the ArrayList spawnpoints.
So after I looked at a world I have filled the ArrayList spawnpoints with locations. Now I want to add the ArrayList spawnpoints to a new ArrayList worlds. After that I will repeat the code above for the next world, untill I have had all the worlds.
EDIT. I think it's working. I have troubles with getting the size of the list when I only have the name.
So let's say I did this: allSpawnpoints.put("yourWorld",Spawnpoints);
Now I want to get the size of the Spawnpoints list for the string yourWorld. Any idea how I can do this?
I tried: int number = allSpawnpoints.get("yourWorld").size();
it looks like that isn't working.
I hope someone can help me! Thanks for reading. Regards.
Instead of an ArrayList
or World
objects try using a Map
of World
to List
of Location
. Something like this:
Map<World,List<Location>> allSpawnpoints = new HashMap<World,List<Location>>();
Then, after you have created your list of spawnpoints for a World
put it into your Map
like this:
... and then move onto the next World.
I would also suggest renaming Spawnpoints
as spawnPoints