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Javascript appendChild(script) works only one time

I'm trying to create two separate HTML documents: main.html and sufler.html. Idea is to control sufler.html page from main.html . So far I succeeded to write text and change it's font style. But font style changes only ONE time...

I need it to be able to change many times, can't understand what is going on, because, as I understanding, every time I calling function writing(), I'm clearing all new document's content with newDoc.body.innerHTML = ''... but it seems that not... although text is changing every time.


<script type="text/javascript">
var HTMLstringPage1     = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><link href="stilius.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head><body>',
    HTMLstringPage2     = '</body></html>',
    HTMLstringDiv1      = '<div id="sufler"><div id="mov"><p id="flip">',
    HTMLstringDiv2      = '</p></div></div>';

//NEW WINDOW OPEN--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var newWindow   ='suffler.html','_blank','toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, height=615,width=815'); 
var newDoc      = newWindow.document;
var script      = newDoc.createElement("script");
                  script.type = "text/javascript";

function writing(){
    newText =   document.getElementById("sel-1").value.replace(/\n/gi, "</br>");
    fontas=     document.getElementById("textFont").value;
    size=       document.getElementById("textSyze").value;
    stylas=     document.getElementById("textStyle").value;
    syntax=     document.getElementById("textSyntax").value;

    newDoc.body.innerHTML = '';//clears old text (should clear old scripts and functions too)
    newDoc.write(HTMLstringPage1,HTMLstringDiv1,newText,HTMLstringDiv2,HTMLstringPage2);//writes new text (and new scripts and functions)
var text        = newDoc.createTextNode('document.getElementById("flip").style.font="'+stylas+' '+syntax+' '+size+'px '+fontas+'";');
    <button type="button" style="background-color: #F5FF25;" onclick="writing()">Apply     text</button>


  • Any one node can only be added to the document once. You only define script once but trying to add it to the DOM multiple times. Put the var script = ... line inside writing().