I wonder if there is a code there that refresh my DataServiceCollection that is loaded in a WPF client using BeginExecute async await Task as show below:
public static async Task<IEnumerable<TResult>> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(this DataServiceQuery<TResult> query)
var queryTask = Task.Factory.FromAsync<IEnumerable<TResult>>(query.BeginExecute(null, null), (asResult) =>
var result = query.EndExecute(asResult).ToList();
return result;
return await queryTask;
I call the extension method as the following:
public async void LoadData()
_ctx = new TheContext(the URI);
_dataSource = new DataServiceCollection<TheEntity>(_ctx);
var query = _ctx.TheEntity;
var data = await Task.Run(async () => await query.ExecuteAsync());
Meanwhile, If I use Load method the data is refreshed without any problems as:
var query = _ctx.TheEntity;
Another issue is that I do not know how to Cancel client changes. Last question is whether the MergeOption has any effect to BeginExecute..EndExecute or it only works with Load method?
I suspect that the data context does not like being accessed from multiple threads.
I recommend that you first remove all processing from your extension method:
public static Task<IEnumerable<TResult>> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(this DataServiceQuery<TResult> query)
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(query.BeginExecute, query.EndExecute, null);
Which you should use without jumping onto a background thread:
public async Task LoadDataAsync()
_ctx = new TheContext(the URI);
_dataSource = new DataServiceCollection<TheEntity>(_ctx);
var query = _ctx.TheEntity;
var data = await query.ExecuteAsync();