I have created a role myrole inside that i added two receipes under run list
"run_list" : [
But it is giving me error.
So later i want to do
knife bootstarp ipaddress -x user -i key --sudo - r role[myrole]
When I run the above command i want to my chef run to execute both the receipes on single run.
Also, can i execute this command with two roles?
knife bootstarp ipaddress -x user -i key --sudo - r role[myrole1,myrole2]
Sorry, except typos (bootstarp
-> bootstrap
) and tiny glitches (- r
-> -r
) your only problem is that you have to prepend the [sala::test]
with a recipe
run_list" : [
Similar, when bootstrapping, do it like this: -r "role[myrole1],role[myrole2]"
EDIT: the json example was incorrect. This should work:
run_list" : [