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Cannot choose SlidingMenu Library project to link to

I am trying to deploy the same Android development environment on PC as the one I already have on my Mac.

In the Android application, I am using the ActionBarsherlock ( lib and the SlidingMenu ( lib. According to what I did before, I downloaded and import both projects to the eclipse workspace.

I aligned the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to be the same as my application, and link ActionBarSherlock to the SlidingMenu project, then trying to link the sliding menu project to my app.

I got this screen when I try to link the SlidingMenu project to my project:

enter image description here

As you can see, there's no option to choose the "library" (which is the slidingmenu project). I never saw this before. Please help me to figure out how to link the sliding menu lib to my project.

--- Update ---

Here's the screenshot of the SlidingMenu project Properties -> android Menu:

enter image description here

Thank you


  • Be sure that the SlidingMenu library is declared as a library. Do one of the two following steps to ensure that.

    1. Check this line in file, if missing, add it :


    2. Right click on SlidingMenu library >> Project properties >> Android (left menu) >> check the Is library field, under the SDK API Levels list.