I have a YAHOO Panel object defined like this:
profilesDialog = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("profiles_dialog", {
width: "705px",
height: "609px",
fixedcenter: "contained",
close: true,
draggable: true,
zindex: 2,
autofillheight: "body",
visible: false,
constraintoviewport: true,
modal: true,
zIndex: 1000
The "close: true" section of the config causes the little close button to be rendered in the panel. When you click on this little button the panel is hidden.
Now I know that I can subscribe to the "beforeHideEvent" and that is desirable but what I want to know is if some conditions are met inside this "beforeHideEvent" how do I stop the panel from firing its own close method.
inside the subscribed function to beforeHideEvent:
and, if you want to stop the event bubling up to other non-default events:
also, there's an
that's a sum of stopPropagation + preventDefault.