I have a piece of maintenance code that should grant select privileges to a certain user at certain points of time:
grant select on A_DB.A_TABLE to READ_ONLY_USER;
I want to do this for all tables. I could use select * from tab
in Oracle or show tables
in MySQL to get the complete list and then move on like that.
But since I already have the javax.persistence.EntityManager
Object at hand, I wondered if there is another way to get at all the mapped Entities, the Manager knows about (I am using Hibernate under the hood).
There are two ways that I can see getting all of the mapped entities and their corresponding SQL tables (there may be others).
The most straightfoward is if you can use your Hibernate Configuration object:
for(Iterator it = config.getClassMappings(); it.hasNext();){
PersistentClass pc = (PersistentClass) it.next();
System.out.println(pc.getEntityName() + "\t" + pc.getTable().getName());
Alternatively, you can do a little more casting and get this same information out of the SessionFactory too:
Map<String, ClassMetadata> map = (Map<String, ClassMetadata>) sessionFactory.getAllClassMetadata();
for(String entityName : map.keySet()){
SessionFactoryImpl sfImpl = (SessionFactoryImpl) sessionFactory;
String tableName = ((AbstractEntityPersister)sfImpl.getEntityPersister(entityName)).getTableName();
System.out.println(entityName + "\t" + tableName);