I'm stuck trying to send JSON data to by Struts2 REST server using the struts2-rest-plugin.
It works with XML, but I can't seem to figure out the right JSON format to send it in.
Anybody has any experience with this?
Thanks, Shaun
Sorry I wasn't clear. The problem is that Struts2 doesn't seem to be mapping the JSON data I send in to my model in the controller.
Here's the code:
public class ClientfeatureController extends ControllerParent implements ModelDriven<Object> {
private ClientFeatureService clientFeatureService;
private ClientFeature clientFeature = new ClientFeature();
private List<ClientFeature> clientFeatureList;
//Client ID
private String id;
public ClientfeatureController() {
public Object getModel() {
return (clientFeatureList != null ? clientFeatureList : clientFeature);
* @return clientFeatureList through Struts2 model-driven design
public HttpHeaders show() {
//logic to return all client features here. this works fine..
//todo: add ETag and lastModified information for client caching purposes
return new DefaultHttpHeaders("show").disableCaching();
// PUT request
public String update() {
logger.info("client id: " + clientFeature.getClientId());
logger.info("clientFeature updated: " + clientFeature.getFeature().getDescription());
return "update";
public HttpHeaders create() {
logger.info("client id: " + clientFeature.getClientId());
logger.info("feature description: " + clientFeature.getFeature().getDescription());
return new DefaultHttpHeaders("create");
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public void setClientFeatureService(ClientFeatureService clientFeatureService) {
this.clientFeatureService = clientFeatureService;
public List<ClientFeature> getClientFeatureList() {
return clientFeatureList;
public void setClientFeatureList(List<ClientFeature> clientFeatureList) {
this.clientFeatureList = clientFeatureList;
public ClientFeature getClientFeature() {
return clientFeature;
public void setClientFeature(ClientFeature clientFeature) {
this.clientFeature = clientFeature;
This is the URL I'm making the request to:
-Method: POST or PUT (tried both, POST maps to create() and PUT maps to update()) -Header: Content-Type: application/json
"feature": {
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"description": "description1",
"type": "type1"
"countries": ["SG"],
"clientId": 10}
And the output in the Struts2 logs when I make the request:
1356436 [http-bio-8080-exec-5] WARN net.sf.json.JSONObject - Tried to assign property clientFeature:java.lang.Object to bean of class com.foo.bar.entity.ClientFeature
1359043 [http-bio-8080-exec-5] INFO com.foo.bar.rest.ClientfeatureController - client id: null
Let me also add that XML requests work just fine:
URL: ..http://localhost:8080/coreserviceswrapper/clientfeature.xml Method: POST/PUT Content-Type: text/xml
1738685 [http-bio-8080-exec-7] INFO com.foo.bar.rest.ClientfeatureController - client id: 100
1738685 [http-bio-8080-exec-7] INFO com.foo.bar.rest.ClientfeatureController - feature description: test
1738717 [http-bio-8080-exec-7] INFO org.apache.struts2.rest.RestActionInvocation - Executed action [/clientfeature!create!xml!200] took 1466 ms (execution: 1436 ms, result: 30 ms)
I got such a problem. Strange but got solved by changing the name 'clientFeature' to 'model'