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Passbook pass not working in iOS7 - only works in iOS6

My passbook passes are currently working in iOS6 and not iOS7.

I've replicated the problem in the iOS simulator. The console log from the iOS7 simulator gives me this:

Nov 13 14:10:10 XXXX.local backboardd[779] <Error>: __hid_dispatch_pthread_root_queue_create_block_invoke: specific=0x4d530d0 pthread_self=0xb0115000 
Nov 13 14:10:10 XXXX.local backboardd[779] <Error>:__hid_dispatch_pthread_root_queue_create_block_invoke: specific=0x4d52f10 pthread_self=0xb0197000 
Nov 13 14:10:18 XXXX.local MobileSafari[818] <Warning>: Invalid data error reading pass[barcode]. The passTypeIdentifier or teamIdentifier provided may not match your certificate, or the certificate trust chain could not be verified. 
Nov 13 14:10:18 XXXX.local MobileSafari[818] <Warning>: PassBook Pass download failed: The pass cannot be read because it isn’t valid.

I don't think it's the lines as I've checked the team identifier and pass type identifier and they both match what's in the dev center.

So I think this must mean something:


Any ideas?

The error message displayed on the screen is "Download Failed - safari cannot download the file", but I think thats just a standard message.


  • Having looked at your pass and the signature, everything seems to match therefore this points to a problem with your certificate. Is it possible that your certificate is expired or has been revoked?