I have changed my JSF manged bean to a CDI named bean. However I get a strange behavior that when I update a record using JPA merge()
through EJB, a new record is being created instead of updating the entity.
my previous implementation
public class bean implements serializable{
@EJB Service service;
private Entity entity;
private void init(){
int id = 1;
this.entity = (Entity) service.findEntity(Entity.class, 1);
//invoke after editing entity
public void update(){
public class Service implements Serializable{
private EntityManager em;
public void update(Object obj){
public Object find(Class klass, object pk){
return em.find(klass, pk);
Result: entity is being updated
My new implementation
public class bean implements Serializable{
Result: entity is not being updated, and instead a new record is being created with all fields being duplicated except the id (pk) as it is an auto generated integer, and a new id is generated for the new record; Why is this happening?
Did you really want to chane the scope of your bean to ConversationScoped. I would have thought that you would use
[not javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped!!] and just use @Named. Changing a bean scope changed the whole semantics.