I'm using uploadifive to upload picture at user profile page. User opens up the profile page with a photo and upload button. Once user uploads the picture it gets resized and moved to an avatars folders. The pictures are stored as user_id.jpg. If user refreshes the page the picture gets updated. I would like to get that picture updated without a page refresh. Uploadifive has OnUploadComlete function and I thought I will just use that to post new picture but that doesn't work either it gets cached or some other reason.
Here is some code:
$('#file_profile').uploadifive {
onUploadComplete : function () {
$('#uphoto').html('<img src="images/avatars/'+<?=$_user['id']?>+'.jpg" />');
<div id="uphoto"><img src="images/avatars/'+<?=$_user['id']?>+'.jpg" /></div>
Is there any way to go about this?
Just add some random number as parameter to your link to reload image. Browsers will load it again if there are not the same link.
$('#uphoto').html('<img src="images/avatars/'+<?=$_user['id']?>+'.jpg?'+Math.random()+'" />');