I am trying to perform something that is brain-dead simple in any other language but not javascript: get the bits out of float (and the other way around).
In C/C++ it would be something like
float a = 3.1415; int b = *((int*)&a);
and vise-versa
int a = 1000; float b = *((float*)&a);
In C# you can use the BitConverter ...floatBits or something alike in Java... Even in VB6 for Christ's sake you can memcpy a float32 into an int32. How on earth can I translate between and int and a float in javascript?
You certainly don't get anything low-level like that in JavaScript. It would be extremely dangerous to allow recasting and pointer-frobbing in a language that has to be safe for untrusted potential-attacker web sites to use.
If you want to get a 32-bit IEEE754 representation of a single-precision value in a Number (which remember is not an int either; the only number type you get in JavaScript is double
), you will have to make it yourself by fiddling the sign, exponent and mantissa bits together. There's example code here.