So, I have this function in jQuery:
$( ".unfocused" ).click(function ClickHeader () {
$( this ).addClass( "focused" );
$( this ).removeClass( "unfocused" );
$(".header").not(this).addClass( "unfocused" );
$(".header").not(this).removeClass( "focused" );
It works perfectly when a header is clicked the first time, but when I try to click another unfocused header, the function doesn't work anymore. Is it because it runs on document .ready?
Thanks for your help!
Change it like this:
$( document ).on("click", ".unfocused", function() {
$( this ).addClass( "focused" );
$( this ).removeClass( "unfocused" );
$(".header").not(this).addClass( "unfocused" );
$(".header").not(this).removeClass( "focused" );
This basically registers the event on the document. When you click a header, the event bubbles up to the document. There, the given selector is validated and the function is executed if needed.