The registration controller disallowes sending account id field by the following:
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
@RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.PUT })
public String handleRegistration(@ModelAttribute Account account, BindingResult result) {
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "customer/register";
I Run the following test to make sure ID is not allowed:
public void testPutRequestWithIdPassedRegistrationController() throws Exception {
.param("id", "1")
.param("username", "shouldBeIgnored")
.param("password", "123")
.param("emailAddress", "[email protected]")
.param("", "RU")
.param("", "Nsk")
.param("address.street", "Lenin"))
But test fails cause: java.lang.AssertionError: Expected binding/validation errors
For comparation here is the test that tries to create account without passing not-nullable fields and it passes well, that means that setRequiredFields
works fine:
public void testPutRequestWithoutNeededFieldsRegistrationController() throws Exception {
Why does it work by this way? How can I sure that id is not allowed?
Spring does not consider disallowed fields as errors.
It just stores them as suppressedFields
in the BindException
During debug I could access it via:
When invoked from the hasErrors()
So to make sure that id is not used, I just passed it via params and then checked that account with such name (it is a unique field) has another id value:
String notExistingId = "999";
String newUserName = "newUser";
.param("id", notExistingId)
.param("username", newUserName)
.param("password", "123")
.param("emailAddress", "[email protected]")
.param("", "RU")
.param("", "Nsk")
.param("address.street", "Lenin"))
Optional<Account> account = accountService.getAccount(newUserName);
assertTrue( "Account with the username should exist", account.isPresent());
assertNotSame("Account id should not be equal to the id we try to pass with parameters",