I'll start off by saying I haven't quite wrapped my head around OOP.
I need a routine that iterates through each word in a string, checks to see if it is in my linked list and either adds it as a node if it is not or increases the count of the existing node if it is in the list.
Here is what I have:
private void CountWords(string cleanString)
WordNode nextNode, prevNode;
WordNode addNode;
foreach (string stringWord in cleanString.Split(' '))
if (head == null)
// No items in list, add to the beginning
addNode = new WordNode(stringWord);
head = addNode;
if (String.Compare(stringWord, head.Word) < 0)
// If stringWord belongs at the beginning of the list, put it there
addNode = new WordNode(stringWord);
addNode.NextWord = head;
head = addNode;
else if (String.Compare(stringWord, head.Word) == 0)
// If stringWord is equal to head.Word, increase count
addNode.Count += 1;
prevNode = head;
nextNode = head.NextWord;
// If it doesn't belong at the beginning, cycle through the list until you find where it does belong
while ((nextNode != null) && (String.Compare(nextNode.Word, addNode.Word) < 0))
prevNode = nextNode;
nextNode = nextNode.NextWord;
if (nextNode == null)
prevNode.NextWord = addNode;
prevNode.NextWord = addNode;
addNode.NextWord = nextNode;
Before this, I was attempting the addNode = new WordNode(stringWord); at the beginning of each iteration through the "for each word in string" loop, but that would re define the class and reset count to 1. Now, currently, I can't increase the count, because addNode.Count += 1; is undefined. I was hoping I could check to see if stringWord was in the linked list, and if so, increment stringWord.count by one, but that throws an error.
Looking at this now, I'm thinking the addNode.Count += 1; belongs in the while loop a few lines below it...
Here is my WordNode class:
class WordNode
// constants
// variables
private string data; // this is our only data, so also key
private int count;
private WordNode next; // this is reference to next Node
// constructors
public WordNode(string newValue)
Word = newValue;
count = 1;
NextWord = null;
// methods
public string Word
return data;
data = value;
public int Count
return count;
count = value;
public WordNode NextWord
return next;
next = value;
Try this:
private void CountWords(string cleanString)
foreach (string stringWord in cleanString.Split(' '))
if (head == null)
head = new WordNode(stringWord);
var last = (WordNode)null;
var current = head;
if (current.Word == stringWord)
last = current;
current = current.NextWord;
} while (current != null);
if (current != null)
last.NextWord = new WordNode(stringWord);
And alternative is to use linq:
var query =
.Split(' ')
.ToLookup(x => x)
.Select(x => new
Word = x.Key,
Count = x.Count(),