I have a searchbar:
<input type="search" data-cancel-btn=false
name="search" id="searchbar" value="" placeholder="Seach"/>
and list:
temp += '<li class="ui-li-has-multiline" id="' + id
+ '" name="' + name
+ '" status="' + status
+ '" sortId="' + sortId
+ '" img="'+ img
+ '"> <a href="#"> '
+ '<img src="' + img
+ '" alt="icon" class="ui-li-bigicon" '
+ 'style="border-radius:50px; border:2px solid dimgray; overflow:hidden ">'+ name
+ '<span class="ui-li-text-sub" style="float:left;left:5px;top:30px;">'+lastMessageText+'</span>'
+ '<span class="ui-li-text-sub2">'+lastMessageTime+'</span>';
if (status == 'online') {
temp += '<img class="ui-li-icon-sub" src="../res/online_list.png" alt="online">';
temp += '</a></li>';
I want to realize the search by each input change in searchbar with highlighting searching text. but my function doesn't work(alert return the value of "sortId" parameter of <li>
$("#searchbar").on("input change", function (e) {
var regEx;
var content;
content = $("#allFriendsList");
regEx = new RegExp(".*" + $("#searchbar").val().toLowerCase());
function () {
if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().match(regEx)) {
} else {
return false;
return false;
You could use: jQuery Highlight plugin
and in your code:
you should probably do this only after a minimum 3 chars or so..